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To My Neighbor

I lift you higher,
lift you out
of your body cells
stuffed with anxiety
of your past -
an evil load that smells.

I'll fill each cell
with love and joy
that makes the
angels dance.
You'll glide through earthly
filth and stench -
a spiritual trance.

From your youth filled eyes,
your hands
and feet,
a holy peace shall flow,
so you and I
be filled with grace -
let us be still
and know.

William Hermanns


Seelentränen sind Gedichte,
rot mit Herzblut aufgeschrieben,
tiefem Menschenleid zum Ruhm,

Lies sie still in reinem Lichte,
frei von Trieben:
Du betrittst ein Heiligtum.

Wilhelm Hermanns



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William Hermanns

Poem of William Hermanns

English Poetry List


                     Mabel Farewell
                                In Memoriam

You vanished from my side,
yet every breath I breathe is yours.
From spring to winter we have walked together,
and now you are gone.
Yet my heartbeat has matched yours,
my eyes are dry, my pen shall weep.

Where is the voice now that would echo God's;
"If you rise with the wings of morning, I am there.
If you make your bed in the abyss, I am there."?
Your voice has gone, and with it the comfort of these words.
How do I know that you have fused into this God?
When I descend into the dark, are you there?
When I mount the wings of morning, are you there?

Where are you, what have you become?
I ask a void and there is no echo.
What fate is now awaiting me?
I call from a chilling pit.

If only I could retrace the way we went together for so many years,
I would subdue my impatient intellect which perplexed and harassed you, and walk on with you holding the lamp of spirit in my hand.

But instead I stand here holding your ashes.
No memory so sweet can give you visible form again.
The past of man, how dead!
More dead than are his ashes.
No miracle, no prayer can retrieve man's last five minutes.
What has been done is done.

Each day your smile, your voice,
your patient ear would tender me
a pillow for my tired head, and now
your cold hands press my head into a mold that smells of decay.

Each day your presence warmed me; you glowed with love.
And now memories hang grey curtains before my eyes.
In pulling them aside, I stir up clouds of dust.
And I am blinded — blinded as all who try to raise
the curtain of death.

The anemia of loneliness is my fate.
I feel it sap me.
The dust of my years more and more resembles the dust
of the earth.
Nothingness looms.
What is man's fate called on the other side?
On this side it is called —
how cruel — finality.

                            William Hermanns      [P197]

Note:  P197. Mabel Farewell - In Memoriam; 1970; for Mabel Stonehill, the poet's close friend in San Jose who passed away in August 1970.; The poem is part of a booklet called Mabel Farewell (1970).

Mabel Farewel essay

English Poetry List 

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William Hermanns


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Einstein and the Poet - In Search of the Cosmic Man by William Hermanns -  cover The Holocaust - from a Survivor of Verdun by William Hermanns - cover


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Articles by William Hermanns (c) by William Hermanns Trust