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To My Neighbor

I lift you higher,
lift you out
of your body cells
stuffed with anxiety
of your past -
an evil load that smells.

I'll fill each cell
with love and joy
that makes the
angels dance.
You'll glide through earthly
filth and stench -
a spiritual trance.

From your youth filled eyes,
your hands
and feet,
a holy peace shall flow,
so you and I
be filled with grace -
let us be still
and know.

William Hermanns


Seelentränen sind Gedichte,
rot mit Herzblut aufgeschrieben,
tiefem Menschenleid zum Ruhm,

Lies sie still in reinem Lichte,
frei von Trieben:
Du betrittst ein Heiligtum.

Wilhelm Hermanns



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William Hermanns

Poem of William Hermanns

English Poetry List


Soldier, dance, embrace me fast;
a million eyes admire you,
the nation's idol. While you dance,
your brow will grow a laurel wreath:
You rise above the law.

How proud you wear your colored coat.
Not the civilian, you belong
to every girl with sprouting breasts.
Oh son, when you have gained a medal,
even God you put in awe.

And where the flag, there is the cross:
you will be blessed with sacred mouth.
Your mother waves a last farewell.
She smiles and does not dare to weep,
for glory is in season.

And when you meet your enemy,
you are a man, he is a man.
And though you never. saw his face,
hit first and have no conscience trips.
A thinking soldier -- treason!

Your head and heart be jolly light,
march and invade, strew death about
Oh soldiers' joy! When you return
you march with music through the streets;
your girl helps bear your gun.

Should fate wrap you in a canvas shroud, •
know this: Our God has much to do.
When you were hit He saw tears flow
from a mother's cheek on the enemy side.
She, too, prayed for her son.

But you ascend, a soldier's grave
with cross assures next life with Christ.
What never a human eye has seen,
no hope has hoped, is your reward —
you fell, God loves you more.

And here on earth, a thousand years
sing of a hero's sacrifice.
Memorial Day is mother's praise.
Come, youth, the grateful nation calls,
let flags and trumpets soar!

The colored coat awaits you, too.
How it enhances manliness!
How it prepares your chest for medals!
On every finger hangs a sweetheart —
you are creation's pride.

War is my name, youth dance with me!
I'm sexless lust, I'm blasphemy!
I love the woman, love the man,
embrace the child in mother's womb,
I'm murder sanctified!
                                           William Hermanns

Note: Translation from German Gedicht G012 Krieg, Berlin, ~1922

 Translation from: Krieg-G012  

 English Poetry List

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William Hermanns


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Einstein and the Poet - In Search of the Cosmic Man by William Hermanns -  cover The Holocaust - from a Survivor of Verdun by William Hermanns - cover


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Articles by William Hermanns (c) by William Hermanns Trust