Intuition and Conscience
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William Hermanns was concerned to do the right
thing, to be a man of conscience. which his friend Albert Einstein referred
to as a cosmic man.
He believed this initial guidance needed to be intuited prior to the
workings of the intellect, which is often fueled by emotions associated with
sensory information due to past experiences. He wanted real information
about the present moment that concerned his action and his relationship to
the world as one whole.
His poetry, writings and talks were created out of this primary interest in
the practical and ethical workings of conscience in his life and the
unfolding history of humanity. His journey took him into territories of
different religions, seeking to find the common good and truth. He came to
value the stillness of contemplation, meditation and prayer in different
settings, to bring him in attunement with his conscience through intuition.
As he learned more about intuition, he was able to make sense of his past
and made it his goal to be aware of its presence in every moment as a
guiding light.
His vow on the Battlefield of Verdun and the intuitional guidance he
received amidst the chaos, suffering and death set the stage of his life.
His account of his discovery of conscience in his book The Holcaust - from a
Survivor of Verdun (1972, Harper & Row) was praised by Linus Pauling, Nobel
Prize winner in Chemistry and also in Peace in his review sent to the
publisher: "It should be read by everyone."
Whether we actually are in a physical battle, a war, or not, most everyone
is struggling to make sense out of experiences in the world and to create a
better world. It may take the form of research, business, family life, art,
and leaving a legacy.
The questions arise: Is it the right goal? Is it the right way to achieve
the goal? Are the right relationships in place for achieving the goal? Do I
have a right view of myself in achieving this goal? Where do I find
resources to help achieve the goal? Intuition provides the guidance and its
detection can be learned by anyone with a passion for change for the better,
and this change will affect not only the outer world but also the principles
and beliefs one holds dear.
Here is a
link to a blog of the Brandeis scholar Lois Isenman. She is
interested in how intuition plays a role in scientific discovery, and the
most read article is that on Intuition and Einstein, that refers to William
Hermanns' book Einstein and the Poet - In Search of the Cosmic Man (1983,
Branden Press).
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